I’ve been really fascinated by
this blog on cooking. I just came across it a couple of days ago and I’ve been reading it like a novel. :) It interests me particularly because I’m a vegetarian and all her recipes are too. And when recipes are accompanied with some wonderful photographs, it becomes all the more tempting. Of course, it doesn’t help if you’re looking at too many pictures of cakes, pastries, and all such sinful desserts (I have a major sweet tooth) because I tend to crave for that sugar rush and need to pop in some chocolate or a sweet. (Also if I’m surfing at work, its easier to stare at recipe text and pretend to look busy than a bright photograph of cheese and cherries). So the good thing about this blog is that there are tons of yummy-looking main course items which I can handle. :) By the way in case this sounds like I’ve been trying out what I read, its unfortunately a big no. I would like to though. I’m especially keen on using up half a dozen apples that have been sitting in my fridge for a while now. Jam, apple kheer, or apple pie (very ambitious, who’s going to make that, me?) should be the best options. I’m so good at food talk. Time to walk the talk.
On a different note, it’s getting cold these days. And offices like mine are quite terrible at regulating the heating. In summer it is so cold, you wear a sweater inside office. And in winter it is invariably even more brrrr, which means I’m rubbing my frozen fingers and nails that have turned blue. Gosh, I’m not meant for colder places. It must be so tough dealing with the cold and the darkness.
In monsoon I wait for the clouds to lift,
To get a peek of the clear blue sky.
In winter I hope for the cold winds to subside,
And soak in the heady warmth of the sun.
In summer, the tides have completely turned,
And I yearn for the wet rains and the cool breeze. Sigh.
That does sound like I’m complaining all the time. Lol. But no, its just a thought you have on days where you ‘wish’ for better weather. As for now, there’s nothing that a steaming cup of coffee or chai can’t do to warm me up.