Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More of the green grass and blue skies -Malshej

Just when we thought the monsoon clouds had packed their bags to let the sun out to play, the city was lashed with rains again. So we decided to squeeze in one last monsoon trip this year. More trips for sure, but the rains aren't likely. And Malshej, picked out of our usual Outlook Traveller Weekend Getaway book(well researched and written)seemed like a good choice with the promise of rains, mist and more. The drive did turn out really interesting despite the fact that it took rather long to get there. The curvy roads and the green hills looked thoroughly inviting. A particulary interesting sight was a waterfall right on the road, you just had to drive through it. What did turn out to be a disappointment was the fact that it never rained! Our usual ingredient for fun was missing. Hot though it was, the place has a serene beauty to it. Malshej is definitely worth a visit in the rains.

The drive to Malshej with the road snaking through the picturesque hills.

A hint of sunshine lends a golden hue to the surroundings.

The magnificent green stretch. Green, green, all the way!

And there we are, quite comfortable. Only till the next vehicle sent us all scampering.


Ipshi said...

lucky lucky girl... all this sounds like so much fun... so will these trips continue now that the monsoon magician has finally wrapped up his act?
and will u please keep Anand in mind for the trekking trips? Atleast this way he wont totally hate me for being a luxury traveller :)
Also plz plz keep writing.. its so nice to read u when i cant meet u.. which reminds me ... plz lets meet!
And ur words.. they're so beautiful and while the images did help my imagination it was ur choice of words that fueled it!

Josephina/Josie/Jo said...

Hmmm...I bet you thoroughly enjoyed last year with all these adventures. I really liked the green stretch image, very beautiful and soothing!